Dacorum Borough Council / Events / Mon 15 Feb to Wed 07 Apr 2021 (2 months)
Virtual Chatty Cafes

Chatty Cafes are coming to Dacorum!
Chatty Cafes are virtual chats on Zoom every week for 30 minutes. It's a chance to have an informal chatter and a natter with others to brighten your day. You can arrive late, leave early and even answer the door.
We are running two Virtual Chatty Cafes each week for people living in Dacorum, one for adults of all ages and one for 18-30 year olds.
Monday 1-1.30pm for all adults (minimum age 18 yrs)
Wednesday 1-1.30pm for 18-30's.
Let’s get chatting!
Email jenny@thechattycafescheme.co.uk for the Zoom link to join.
#chattycafe #chatterandnatter #haveachat #loneliness #community #activedacorum
For more information visit https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/all-news/2021/02/10/chatty-cafes
Event Location
Telephone: 01442 228 390
Email: jenny@thechattycafescheme.co.uk
Website: https://www.dacorum.gov.uk/home/all-news/2021/02/10/chatty-cafes