Dacorum Borough Council / Opportunities / Fri 08 May 2020
Radio Dacorum's VE Day Virtual Street Party

On BANK HOLIDAY Friday 8th May 2020, Radio Dacorum will be joining in with the celebrations by having a virtual street party.
A day long dedicated to some of the best music since the 1920s right up to the 1950s, beginning just after the 2 minutes silence at 11am, we shall be playing music and chatting all the way through till 9pm, with breaks for the big events of the day,
11am, two minutes silence
3pm, Churchill's Speech
4pm, Garden party, tea and scones
6pm, Dinner and a glass of something that you fancy ;-)
9pm, Nationwide Sing Along to We'll meet Again, following the Queens address
We will then be playing out, our usual mix of eclectic music into the night and beyond. www.radiodacorum.org.uk
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/296102320426955/posts/3276418209062003/?d=n&substory_index=0