customerservices@hertford.gov.uk Mill Bridge Rooms - Venue for Hire
Venue type
Community Hall / Business Meeting Rooms / Team Building Venue / Exhibition Space / Party Venue / Fitness and Dance Centre
From £15.30 per hour
Venue size
Medium (1-150)
The Mill Bridge Rooms provide the perfect venue for:
Coffee mornings
Exhibitions and fetes Club,
Society and group meetings
Children's birthday celebrations
Clubs and Classes
This is excellent community hall in the heart of Hertford providing kitchen and disabled facilities, chairs, tables and display boards. It is available to hire on an hourly or daily rate with concessions for non-profit making and charitable organisations.
Visitors are able to use the kitchen facilities or bring food and drink onto the premises.
View my website https://www.hertford.gov.uk/millbridge-room/
My Location
The Mill Bridge Rooms
Hertford Town Council
SG14 1PX
Telephone: 01992 552 885
Email: customerservices@hertford.gov.uk
Website: https://www.hertford.gov.uk/millbridge-room/
My Events
Hertford Castle Live Music Event / Sun 01 Aug 2021
Guests can sit back and relax on the Main Castle Lawn and enjoy a variety of live music from local musicians, with the beautiful backdrop of the castl...
My Spaces
Mill Bridge Rooms - Venue for Hire
Venue type - Community Hall / Business Meeting Rooms / Team Building Venue / Exhibition Space / Party Venue / Fitness and Dance Centre Venue size -...