Cultural Olympiad Cultural Olympiad
This is the space where I will be posting news and updates about the progress of the Cultural Olympiad in the region and throughout the UK.
The Cultural Olympiad is the four year cultural festival and celebration that we will be running throughout the UK in the lead up to the London 2012 Olympic Games.
There's more details on what exactly that means, how it works and how to get involved posted here, including information on how projects can apply for the official "Inspire" mark that will give them direct association with the Olympiad.
There's also information about specific activities, events and projects in the South West. As there will be a major focus on discovering the stories of the people, places and spaces of the region we're working to a theme of "the Extraordinary Mile".
To date two programmes of activity have been developed to deliver this theme throughout the South West, RELAYS, essentially based in and around educational facilities, and QUEST, based in the communites of the region. Both offer a regionally coherent structure combined with local delivery, ensuring we make the most of local distinctiveness and the diversity of the region.
Beyond these two programmes of work, however, there are many opportunities to engage with and contribute to the themes of the Cultural Olympiad in the region. So please do contact me with your ideas for Cultural Olympiad projects, activities or events.
Here's to the journey...
Richard Crowe
London 2012 Creative Programmer, SW
View my website
My Location
Regional Handover and Launch Weekend Celebrations - Summer 2008 / Tue 20 Jan 2009
Thanks to everyone who made OPEN WEEKEND such a huge success over the weekend of 26-28 September - your contributions were really appreciated! Here's ...
Newsletter No 1 - March 2008: The Cultural Olympiad Goes "Live" / Sun 14 Sep 2008
Cultural Olympiad in the South West – Update 1 Richard Crowe, 2012 Creative Programmer, South West THE CULTURAL OLYMPIAD GOES LIVE COUNTDOWN TO THE LA...
Newsletter No 2 - August 2008: ON YOUR MARKS... / Sun 14 Sep 2008
The London 2012 Cultural Olympiad in the South West – Update 2 on your marks for THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH On the afternoon of 24th August in China...
My Events
Events Listings: Open Weekend (26-28 September) / Sun 14 Sep 2008
OPEN WEEKEND celebrating the launch of the Cultural Olympiad (Friday 26th September – Sunday 28th September) There are over 40 events and activities ...