Pottering amongst the seeds and cuttings at the back of his ramshackle greenhouse in the garden of a Gloucestershire manor house is Herbert Pinnegar. Now in his twilight years, he's full of memories and tales of a bygone era. In-between potting up and potting on, he recounts his journey from orphan boy to legendary head gardener 'Old Herbaceous' and tells of his friendship with the lady of the house, Mrs Charteris.
Sown with seeds of gardening wisdom, this charming one-man show starring Peter Macqueen is a love story - a humorous portrayal of a single-minded yet gentle man with a passion for plants.
Tickets are just £9, please note that the Saturday performance is now sold out.
For more information visit http://www.dewsburyartsgroup.info/?p=1254
Event Location
Dewsbury Arts Group
Lower Peel Street
Off Bradford Road
WF13 2EE
Telephone: 01924 465 647
Website: http://www.dewsburyartsgroup.info/?p=1254