creativescene / News / Tue 25 Oct 2016
Creative Scene to realise 2020 vision with new £1m funding award

Creative Scene is pleased to announce that £1 million further investment has been awarded today by Arts Council England as part of Creative People and Places.
Creative Scene aims to support a new kind of arts scene to grow and emerge in the area, working with the people and groups, reflecting the interests, cultures and heritage but firmly looking to the future with some unusual and innovative ways of presenting and creating arts and cultural events.
Nancy Barrett, Director of the Project said:
“ It’s great news for the area and for all those who want to get involved in developing opportunities for people here to see and take part in some amazing new arts events. We can now really take forward the great ideas that have been bubbling up and develop plans and partnerships right up to 2020. People have the highest ambitions for the creative events they want to see, take part in, commission and co-produce. By 2020 I think people will be looking to this part of West Yorkshire to find out exactly how to make great art a part of everyday life.”
Victoria Firth, Director of the Lawrence Batley Theatre and Chair of the Creative Scene consortium said:
“ I am delighted that the importance and success of Creative Scene’s work has been recognised with this award. This new funding will mean thousands more people get to enjoy exceptional art and benefit from the difference that creativity can make to communities. It is a particular testament to the local people who have been involved in shaping the project and who continue to contribute their energy and ideas to make things happen in their area.”
For more information visit http://www.creativescene.org.uk/creative-scene-to-realise-2020-vision-with-new-1m-funding-award/