creativescene / Events / Thu 24 Sep 2020
BANK Artist Network: A Discussion with Chris Bailkoski

Join Creative Scene on Zoom to find out how Chris Bailkoski combined an entrepreneurial spirit with his fine art background to set up major music venue Soup Kitchen and Live Art platform PROFORMA in Manchester.
Chris will discuss how to provide a platform for grassroots artists and musicians, with advice for creatives looking to set up their own businesses, and the potential for music and arts venues to play a part in bringing communities together during COVID-19.
About BANK
BANK is a movement of artists interested in people, places and the issues facing towns and neighbourhoods today. It is a creative community coming together to share, challenge, learn and grow.
BANK will include a regular monthly meet up (online, if we can’t meet in real life) with artists’ talks, professional development, exhibitions and residency opportunities.
For more information visit https://www.creativescene.org.uk/events/bank-artists-network-a-discussion-with-entrepreneur-and-producer-chris-bailkoski/