Creatives Across Sussex / News / Wed 25 Jul 2012
No Strings Attached: Grants for Young People to Make Theatre

No Strings Attached Grant Scheme
Farnham Maltings' No strings attached is a grant scheme to help young people make their first piece of theatre. Grants of between £500 and £1000 are available to young people from across the south east region. The grant is for anyone aged between 18 and 25 who hasn’t previously received a grant for the arts. You can apply as an individual or as part of a group. Should you be successful you will also be paired with a professional mentor.
If your project is suitable you will be invited to present your idea to a panel of arts professionals. The next panel meeting will be on 16 October 2012, registration for which will open on 24 July 2012.
For more information about the grant scheme, visit the website at the link below or contact Harriet Anscombe on harriet.anscombe@farnhammaltings.com.
For more information visit https://farnhammaltings.com/theatre/grant-scheme/