Creatives Across Sussex / News / Tue 04 Sep 2012
Be Happy, Creative & Productive: 2 Seminars Announced

Ardent Hare has announced two creative seminars aimed at self-employed disabled, Deaf and other creative artists in the region to share skills and network. The sessions will explore the link between self employment and survival with personal and professional happiness and wellbeing and how this affects productivity and creativity.
One event takes place in Portsmouth and the other in London. The seminars entitled, ‘Be Happy, Creative & Productive’ for artists and creative likeminded people are free and are happening in London at Whitechapel Gallery, 17th September and Portsmouth University, 10th September.
Places are limited, so booking in advance is a must. To book places, please visit the Ardent Hare website below.
For more information visit http://www.ardenthare.org.uk/news/1-news-item/126-be-happy-creative-and-productive/