Creatives Across Sussex / News / Mon 16 Jun 2014
Add listings from our directory to your own website!

We've recently added a new feature which allows you to add a feed to your website featuring the latest news, events, and listings from the various parts of our creative directory. This is a great way to get your own news or events listings on your site, or perhaps the latest events from across your local area.
To add a feed to your site, all you need to do is access the page that you want to show, and click the 'Share on your website' button. This will generate an iFrame code, which you can paste into your website. If you'd like to filter the feed to only show specific items, use the search function on the left hand side to refine the items shown before you click the 'Share on your website' button. You can create a feed for any view of our creative listings, and even choose how the results are shown using the various view options below the search button.
If you need technical help embedding an iFrame, email us and we'll give you a hand – website@creativesacrosssussex.com).
Make sure to let us know once you've set up a feed (website@creativesacrosssussex.com, or @creative_sussex on Twitter), so we can share the link to your website with our social media!