Creatives Across Sussex / News / Fri 13 Apr 2012
ACE/AD:uk National Seminar on the Creative Economy

Arts Development UK, the leading professional association for people working in the arts & creative industries sector in England and Wales is hosting a National Seminar in London at the Camden Centre on 20th June in partnership with Arts Council England.
Themed on the Creative Economy, the event will focus on the economic impact that the arts make in supporting growth and regeneration. Speakers will include Tom Fleming, the co-author of the ACE’s recent publication on Supporting Growth in the Arts Economy and Andrea Stark, Executive Director: Arts Council England East. This timely National Seminar investigates the role that arts can play in economic development and the regeneration of communities in the current challenging economic climate.
For more information please see the link to the AD:uk website below.
For more information visit http://artsdevelopmentuk.org/2012/02/aceaduk-national-seminar-on-the-creative-economy/