Creative Future / Events / Wed 18 Sep to Tue 29 Oct 2013 (1 month)
Creative Workshops for Marginalised Writers & Artists

Some of the upcoming workshops run by Creative Future.
Creating your own website – Learn how to create an online portfolio or examples of writing that can be viewed from anywhere in the world using free and easy to use software. Date: 18, 25 Sep, 2 Oct 2013. Fee: £10/£20 per course.
Applying for grants – Learn the basics of applying for grants and tips on where to look in this one day workshop. Date: 16 Oct 2013. Fee: £7/£15
How to write a blog – Learn how to set up an online blog, how writing for a blog differs from other types of writing and how to develop an on-line profile – either to promote your work, keep a diary of your creative journey or share your reviews and opinions of wider cultural events, exhibitions and publications. Date: 17, 24 Sept 2013. Fee: £7/£15
Using social media to promote yourself – Facebook, Twitter, and blogging are invaluable in promoting your work. YouTube, Flickr and other platforms work as online galleries and portfolios. Email is essential for submitting work. This one day workshop will enable you to master these online tools and give you an insight into using them as marketing tools, through creating and measuring your own campaigns. Date: 22, 29 Oct 2013. Fee: £7/£15
For further details about workshops visit www.creativefuture.org.uk
Workshops organised by Brighton based Creative Future for marginalised writers and artists who experience mental health problems, substance misuse issues, learning or physical disabilities, long-term unemployment or social exclusion of any kind.
Share with everyone you think might be interested!
Many thanks
Sanjay Kumar
For more information visit http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/
Event Location
Telephone: 01273 234 780
Email: info@creativefuture.org.uk
Website: http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/