creativefuture / Opportunities / Fri 25 Apr 2014
Tight Modern is now open for submissions

Tight Modern happens every two years. It’s a touring miniature replica of London’s iconic Tate Modern Gallery and showcases 60 marginalised artists in what we believe is the world’s smallest temporary gallery. This year’s Tight Modern will tour various venues, including Brighton Fringe Festival, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne and libraries across St Helens, Merseyside with prizes of £250, £175 and £75 for the public's favourite three artworks awarded in January 2015.
We are looking for artworks in any media, on any surface, that measure 18x13cm (portrait orientation only) and are no deeper than 22mm (2.2cm).
Submission fee: £5 per artwork (fee waived for people who have attended a Creative Future course, or who live in East Sussex or St. Helens, Merseyside). Deadline: 25 April 2014.
To enter, email info@creativefuture.org.uk or call 01273 234780 for a submission form.
For more information visit http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Creative Future
Community Base
113 Queens Road
Telephone: 01273 234 780
Email: info@creativefuture.org.uk
Website: http://www.creativefuture.org.uk/