Creative Torbay / News / Mon 26 Nov 2012
Zombies: Walking, Eating and Performance a one day symposium

Zombies: Walking, Eating and Performance
a one day symposium
Plymouth University, UK
13 April 2013
deadline for proposals: 30 November 2012
The purpose of this symposium is to explore, interrogate and celebrate zombies as a cultural phenomenon through the paradigms of performance, as well as models of performance through the quintessential zombie activities of eating and walking. It will examine the zombie as protagonist, performer, nomad, pilgrim, traveller, tourist, nightmare, underclass and demonstrator. Zombies: Walking, Eating and Performance will consider the derided and resilient figure of the zombie as metaphor and character; the zombie as vehicle for protest and for public self-expression.
All delegates will be invited to a zombie film festival the evening before the symposium as well as to participate in an early morning performance, Just After Dawn of the Dead , in the streets of Plymouth, followed by a conference breakfast.
Contributors to the Zombies: Walking, Eating and Performance symposium are invited to develop discussions and dialogues around the practice and theory of zombie performance in the context of any media (film, live art, participatory performance, video gaming, comics, etc). Proposals for 20 minute papers in a variety of formats are welcome from performers, practitioners, researchers and any combination therein.
We particularly invite proposals for papers that take an interdisciplinary approach to the living dead, as well as those that reflect on the nature and resonance of the zombie mythos now , rather than historically (although contributors may wish to reference past manifestations to tease out causes and connections). Possible topics, themes and approaches include (but are not limited to):
* Contemporary walks of the living dead
* Acting dead
* Zombies as consumers
* The kinaesthetics and proxemics of zombie movement
* Cross-cultural zombies and their translations
* The zombie as character
* The re-presentation of death and resurrection
* The walking dead versus the running dead
* Zombies on the streets and in the home
* Hunger for the living/Feeding off liveness
* The living dead as protest mechanism
* Passivity and agency among the living dead
* Alternative zombies
* Zombies and taboo
* Political acts of the contemporary living dead
* Ethics of survival in zombie landscapes
* Flesh-eating and consumption as ritual and cultural performance
* Zombie physiology and other impossible bodies
* The zombie as social metaphor
* Collectivism and sociability in zombie flash mobs and parades
* Zombie gaming and the virtual living dead
* Remaking space through dead marches
Proposals for performative presentations and video papers are also welcome, as well as papers that combine 'traditional', performative and video elements – but please note that all presentations must be no longer than 20 minutes in length in total. The makers of video papers must be present at the symposium. Performative papers must be possible with limited technical resources.
Full written papers will be reviewed for possible publication in a forthcoming publication, Zombies: Walking, Eating and Performance. More information will be provided to delegates.
Deadline for the submission of proposals for all papers: 30 November 2012
How to Submit a Proposal:
All proposals should be sent to: livingdead@plymouth.ac.uk
For 'live' papers, please send us:
01. The title of your proposed paper
02. An abstract of no longer than 300 words
03. If a performative presentation, technical or spatial requirements
04. A biographical statement including academic affiliation (if relevant) of no longer than 150 words.
For video papers, please send us:
For video papers, please send us:
01. The title of your video
02. A description of your video and how it responds to the theme of the symposium (no longer than 300 words)
03. Running time [min + sec]
04. A biographical statement of 150 words, including academic affiliation (if relevant)
05. A link to your video online. Please do not send files via email, or DVDs by post. If you are not able to put your video online because of length or other issues, please contact livingdead@plymouth.ac.uk .
This symposium is being organized by the Theatre, Dance & Performance Research Group at Plymouth University, a constituent of the Research Centre for Humanities, Music & Performing Arts (HuMPA). The organising committee comprises Phil Smith, Roberta Mock, Lee Miller and Kayla Parker.