Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Fri 15 Apr 2016
Young Conductor in Association, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra

Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association
The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra invites applications for the post of Leverhulme Young Conductor in Association.
The appointment will start on Thursday 1 September 2016 for an initial period of 12 months, with a possible renewal for a 2nd year. The post is open to candidates already eligible to work in the UK and who are under the age of 35 at 1 September 2016.
This is an excellent opportunity for a conductor of professional standard at the start of their career or about to leave post-graduate study. He/she will work closely with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra in a supportive and inspiring environment.
The successful candidate will be required to:
Be present at rehearsals, concerts and recording sessions, and be prepared to stand in if required
Assist staff and guest conductors with balance, conducting off-stage if necessary, and general assistance
Conduct items within a concert programme, or full concert programmes at the Company’s discretion
Be available to assist the Librarians in preparation of parts (bowings, etc) and to assist in the Concerts Department as required
Work as part of our Community/Education activity
Conduct School and Family concerts, and Ensemble concerts
The role attracts a bursary. The successful candidate will be expected to take up residence in the orchestra’s locality. A group of orchestra members will offer feedback and advice following concert performances.
Application process
To apply, please email an internet link of audio/visual footage showing at least 10 minutes of yourself conducting, your CV, a letter explaining why you would like to be considered for the role, a copy of the personal details page of your passport and any additional proof of your eligibility to work in the UK as appropriate to Marion Aston, Concerts Administrator, at maston@bsorchestra.co.uk
Closing date: 5pm on Friday 15 April 2016
A shortlist of candidates will be invited to auditions on 20 and 21 June 2016.
For any further questions about the post, please email maston@bsorchestra.co.uk