Creative Torbay / News / Tue 23 Oct 2012
Torbay's Cultural Future - Open Space - The Notes and Ideas

On October 17th 2012 over 200 people gathered in the Bay to attend the an Open Space event entitled....
'What next for Torbay’s Cultural Future?'
Many conversations were had over the course of the day - both in groups and over coffee and biscuits....new friendships, connections, and partnerships were forged....
The ideas and conversations were captured by scribes and today we are issuing them for a wider viewing......
If as you read you find yourself drawn to any of the discussions and would like to get involved then you can do one of three things....
1. Email us at creative.torbay@torbay.gov.uk with the details of the conversation you would like to be a part of any follow up and we will pass your details to the curator of that group.
2. Feel free to comment under this news item....
3. Add your comments or start a thread on the creativetorbay facebook page (click weblink)
It was a great day and we hope many exciting, creative, arty and fun projects will emerge from it, all of whom will add to the incredibly rich tapestry of culture we have in the Bay.
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For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/Creative-Torbay/225400117520333/?ref=hl