Creative Torbay / News / Wed 09 Jul 2014
Torbay Council - Budget 2015/16 - Have your say......

Torbay Council, along with other local authorities, continues to face reductions in the level of funding it receives from Central Government.
The Council has to make tough decisions and needs to reduce costs and deliver services in new ways so it can maintain as many services as possible that Torbay residents value.
In setting a budget for the next financial year, Torbay Council faces an unprecedented challenge. Savings of over £30 million in the last three financial years have already been made and further reductions estimated at more than £14 million are needed in 2015/16. The majority of this was identified and agreed by the Council in February 2014.
Have your say on the proposals by completing the on-line consultation survey.
Feedback from the consultation will be considered and will inform the final proposals. A formal decision about the savings proposals will be made by the Council at its meetings in September and October this year. The cost savings realised from the agreed service changes will be used to develop the 2015/16 Revenue Budget, which will be set in February 2015 alongside the Council Tax.
Please take this opportunity to have your say.
The survey closes on 29th August 2014
For more information visit https://www.torbay.gov.uk/surveys/Budget/Mayors%20Budget%202015%2016/mayorsbudget201516.htm