Creative Torbay / News / Fri 24 Feb 2012
Torbay Connected: Connecting People to Place through Art......

‘..the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow.’
Henry David Thoreau
The Torbay Connected Project has produced a Development Plan:
Revealing Torbay’s unique sense of place and identity through workingwith artists and designers in public spaces and buildings.
The plan and project is part of the Cultural Conversation and your comments are welcomed.
Since 2008 Ginkgo Projects and Torbay Council have delivered a number of culturally
led external projects in Torquay including The Royal Terrace Gardens, Extended Cloister,
Victoria Parade and Legible Cockington.
Torbay Connected grew out of the recognition through this work, of the need for Torbay
Council to establish a clear framework for working with artists in the public realm.
The working process is organic, evolving to initiate discussions about the role of artists
and designers in the public realm and to demonstrate good practice through delivering
both temporary and permanent art projects.
The main access point for the Torbay Connected programme is through it’s website.
The site is a valuable information resource featuring an interactive map which highlights
culture spots, significant buildings, heritage and local history. It offers the opportunity
to use new ‘augmented reality’ technology to access information about the area using
a smart mobile phone. The site also includes a toolkit providing advice and support
for developers and regeneration professionals, aimed at ensuring that the principles of
legibility and creativity are embedded in their projects and developments. In addition it
offers guidance on how creative opportunities can be identified and how artists can be
commissioned as part of the development process.
To read the plan please click the weblink