The Feminist Review Trust has announced that the next round of its 2015 grants programme is now open for applications. The Feminist Review Trust gives grants of up to £15,000 to projects in the UK and internationally that support women.
The Trust will prioritise applications for:
1. Hard to fund projects that have no other obvious sources of funding
2. Pump priming activities to help start a project in the hope that it will then be able attract sufficient funding to continue
3. Interventionist projects that support feminist values
4. Training and development projects
5. One off events
6. Dissemination of relevant material
7. Core funding for groups that struggle to raise it elsewhere.
Other projects outside of these above categories may be funded but potential applicants should contact the Trust to discuss eligibility before submitting an application. The deadline for applications is 30th September 2015.
Read more at: http://www.feminist-review-trust.com/