The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has launched a new £45 million programme to invest in services for women and girls. The aim of this funding is to help empower women and girls to take control of their lives.
Not for profit organisations whose primary purpose is to deliver services to women and/or girls can apply for grants of up to £750,000 for up to five years for projects that meet all of the following outcomes:
1. Increased provision of holistic, integrated, person-centred approaches for women and girls at risk
2. Increased involvement of women and girls in the design and delivery of the services they use
3. A greater number of women and girls are supported through the provision of improved specialist support
4. Better quality of evidence for what works in empowering women and girls.
BIG will also consider making two or three large scale investments of over £750,000. These will be for projects that are of exceptional strategic value with a clear focus on prevention and will help bring about longer-lasting change. Organisations that are interested in applying have until 5pm on the 16th July to register their interest.
Read more at: https://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/global-content/programmes/england/women-and-girls-initiative