Have you ever stopped to think about how your local professional football club can play an important part in community life?
Or are you disillusioned about "big business" football and worried that the sport is living a bubble?
In South Devon we're relatively lucky. Torquay United is a small, friendly club and, over the years, it has done plenty of good work in the local community.
Yet Torquay United Supporters Trust (TUST) believes more can be done in making our club a truly community-facing organisation.
Supporters' trusts are relatively new to the football scene. They're community benefit societies - or community interest companies - which have become influential over the past fifteen years. Some clubs - such as Exeter City - are owned by supporters' trusts and are run according to community ownership principles. At many others, supporters' trusts help steer the general direction of the club.
At Torquay United, TUST made a recent bid to secure ownership of the club. It hopes to be able to do so again in the future.
In the meantime, TUST's aim will be to place Torquay United closer to the heart of local life.
Our plan is to work with individuals, sporting organisations, schools and colleges, businesses, youth organisations, health bodies, local authorities, community groups and anyone else who shares our vision of a football club with a strong community ethos.
And, thanks to the background and outlook of the people involved with TUST, we're committed to building social inclusion, educational opportunity, cultural and artistic awareness, community participation and healthy lifestyles.
Other football clubs have had artists and artists in residence. Last year Exeter City Supporters’ Trust, the Bike Shed Theatre and Exeter Northcott Theatre put together a play. Could we one day do the same in Torbay?
If you, or your organisation, would like to work with TUST there are three ways in which you can help.
Firstly, and most importantly, by talking to TUST. We'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions.
Secondly, if you like us, please join us! You can be a member for £2 a month. This brings a share certificate and a vote when it comes to making important decisions.
Thirdly, should you wish to contribute towards our long-term vision of the community ownership of Torquay United, you are invited to contribute to our Forever Yellow Fund.
You can contact TUST at info@torquaysupporters.co.uk and visit our website: www.torquaysupporters.co.uk