Creative Torbay / News / Thu 10 Apr 2014
Round two of PCC’s small grants scheme targets alcohol

Round two of PCC’s small grants scheme targets alcohol
Projects which target reductions in alcohol related crime and harmful drinking will be the focus in round two of Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg’s small grants scheme.
Last week Mr Hogg welcomed many of the 25 groups which received a total of £90,000 from round one of the scheme to hear how their projects were developing and to allow each to explore the possibility of joint collaboration.
Applications are now invited for a further £100,000, of which 40 per cent will be ring fenced for organisations that focus efforts on countering the social effects of alcohol.
As part of Mr Hogg’s alcohol plan, which was launched at a major conference in Plymouth last September, he aims to take a regional lead to help partner organisations coordinate strategies to tackle alcohol issues across the peninsula.
Applications will be particularly welcome from groups which focus on young people, parents, older drinkers and rural communities.
“I hope round two of the scheme will identify and promote initiatives that support the development and implementation of my alcohol plan,” said Mr Hogg.
“I want to see applications from groups that want to invest in community based initiatives, to identify new ways of working, to help focus on those with complex needs and to support a ‘whole family’ approach.
“This focus is important because we know that a relatively small number of people who misuse alcohol cause a high percentage of crime.
“I hope it will help groups to work together to tackle harmful alcohol consumption and related offending while championing the adoption of recovery models across the peninsula.”
This second round of awards will be made in July 2014 and bids must be lodged by May.
The scheme is only available to community and voluntary organisations that can show they undertake actions that have a positive impact helping people feel safer and reducing crime and antisocial behaviour.
It is unlikely the PCC will make awards to or for the following: Statutory services; individuals; expeditions or trips; replacement for statutory funding; bursaries or scholarships; projects outside of Devon and Cornwall; retrospective applications (for example for events that have already taken place); CCTV applications; conferences.
For more information and to download the application form go to the OPCC website.
The closing date for applications is the end of May 2013 and awards will be made in early July.
Anyone unable to download the application form should contact
Ruth Eyles (small grants administrator) on:
Phone: 01392 430228
Email: pccsmallgrantscheme@gmail.com
or by post to:PCC Small Grant Funding Administrator
c/o Community Housing Aid
Fore Street