The consultation period has now been extended and you have until 31/01/12 to return your forms - please send them to:
Caroline Kendall
Community Engagement Officer
National Trust English Riviera
Greenway Road
Churston Ferrers
If you cant make one of the meetings then please click this link to view the presentation you would have seen!
Anyone interested in the future of the Paignton Picture House?
The boarded up cinema on Torbay Road?
Behind the hoardings is an important and beautiful building steeped in the history of cinema
The National Trust and Torbay Council along with other interested parties want to try and
save this cinema.
They have arranged two meetings this month at Oldway Mansions in the main Ballroom.
On Wednesday 7th 2.30- 4.30
and Tuesday evening the 13th, 7- 9 pm.
This is can be a true jewel of the town once more and a flourishing business, so please show you support and come along.
If you cant make one of the meetings you can still have your say - this initial consultation is open untill Jan 20th 2012 you can participate by filling in the attatched feedback postcard and returning it - have your say! (click the link to find the feedback postcard for your to return)