Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 17 Sep 2018

Torbay is a growing centre for creative commissioning. Artists and cultural organisations are increasing the health and wellbeing of residents by bringing their creative skills into other sectors, collaborating with organisations such as the NHS Foundation Trust to help them achieve their own aims. Having recently completed a series of 'test and learn' projects in the health and care sectors, we are seeking a freelance individual or organisation to take the next, necessary steps that will fully embed this practice here, increasing reach and deepening impact.
If you have the skills and experience to help us harness the health and wellbeing benefits of culture, we would love to hear from you. Download the full details below including how to apply:
Creative commissioning brief - see link
Closing date: Monday 17th September 2018, 12 noon
Contract start: October 2018
For more information visit https://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/culture-creative.pdf?1534164146