The O2 programme supports projects by young people (13 - 25) that have a positive impact upon their community. The new programme Think Big will offer young people up to£ 300 in grants as well as training, support and mentoring from a number of youth charities. These include the National Youth Agency and UK Youth. Examples of projects that could be supported could include fighting knife crime, starting local youth groups, teaching skills to other young people or renovating community spaces. Eligible projects should be run by young people for young people, and may have the opportunity to apply for a further £2,500 to continue their work.
Applications can be submitted by individual young people or groups of young people and can be submitted at any time. For more information visit: http://www.o2thinkbig.co.uk/
For more information visit http://www.o2thinkbig.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.o2thinkbig.co.uk/