Creative Torbay / Events / Mon 01 to Sat 06 Oct 2018 (6 days)
Manhattan Short Film Festival

In 2018 MANHATTAN SHORT recieved 1565 entries from 73 countries from which NINE finalists were chosen. Between September 27 and October 7, these captivating nine short films will screen more than 1000 times in over 300 cities on six continents and will all be eligible for OSCAR nomination. And the judges of these films are you, the audience! On entry to the venue, every audience member will be given a ballot to vote for the best short films and actor at the conclusion of the show. Votes will be tallied at MANHATTAN SHORT headquarters in NYC and the winners will be announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday October 8 at 10am. The directors and actors eagerly await your decision.
Screening Dates for The Blue Walnut Torquay are : Saturday 29th September, Monday 1st October , Wednesday 3rd ( Limited availability), Thursday 4th and Saturday 6th October.
Doors open at 7:30pm, Screening begins at 8:00pm
Tickets are only available in advance either online or from the Cafe
The nine MANHATTAN SHORT finalists hail from eight countries with films from Austria, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, New Zealand, the USA, and two films from the United Kingdom. These final nine short films represent the best short from among 1565 submissions from 73 countries received by MANHATTAN SHORT in 2018, a testimony to the enduring vibrancy and creativity of short films. This year’s finalists bring together an extraordinary range of film genres including intimate dramas;fast-paced animation; spine-tingling tales; a World War 11 epic; a film shot entirely underwater and a dark comedy as part of the MANHATTAN SHORT 2018 program.
The Final 9 are: Baghead (United Kingdom), Fire in Cardboard City (New Zealand), Home Shopper (USA),Her (Kosovo) Two Strangers Who Meet Five Times (United Kingdom), Someone (Germany), Chuchotage(Hungary), Fauve (Canada), Lacrimosa (Austria).