Creative Torbay / News / Fri 28 Sep 2012
‘A Landscape for Success - The Plan for Torbay to 2032 & Beyond

Torbay Council have just issued a new document entitled
‘A Landscape for Success - The Plan for Torbay to 2032 and beyond’ Development Plan Document – new Torbay Local Plan
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The public consultation on a draft version of the new Local Plan which is now live. The document, when adopted, will form the overarching plan for Torbay, providing strategic guidance for the creation of new jobs, housing provision, regeneration of our town centres as well as setting out the approach to dealing with a number of generic issues such as transport, climate change, heritage, retail, natural environment, etc.
The Council is consulting on the contents of a draft version of this document between Friday 28 September and Friday 9 November 2012. A press release is attached for your information.
The document contains Part 1: Introduction, Part 2: USP, Key Issues & Aspirations, Part 3: Strategic Direction & Delivery and Part 4: Implementation of the Local Plan. An Executive Summary (attached) of this document is also available as well as an accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment.
From today, Friday 28 September, the new Local Plan and associated documents are available to view or download through the Council’s online consultation portal at http://torbay-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/newlocalplan. Reference or hard copies of the consultation documents are also available to view or purchase at Roebuck House, Libraries and Connections Offices in Torbay.
This is a formal stage in the statutory plan-making process and public representations are invited on the content of the new Local Plan. A wide range of stakeholders are being notified of this event and individuals/organisations are being encouraged to use the Council’s online consultation portal via http://torbay-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/newlocalplan. Comments can also be sent to strategic.planning@torbay.gov.uk and in writing to Spatial Planning at Roebuck House. Further information is also available on the Councils website at www.torbay.gov.uk/newlocalplan
All comments need to be received no later than 4pm on Friday 9 November 2012. Please note that the Council is not obliged to consider any representations beyond this deadline.
Following consideration of any representations received, a submission version of this document will subsequently be prepared which will also undergo a period of consultation before Independent Examination and submission to the Secretary of State in 2013.
If you have any queries, please get in touch with the Strategic Planning team on 01803 208804.
Additionally, you may be aware of the new planning system being introduced through the Government’s Localism Act, which devolves greater powers to Council’s and neighbourhoods. A key element of this includes Neighbourhood Planning and the opportunity for local communities to draw up ideas for development at the local level, in the form of Neighbourhood Plans. Three separate Neighbourhood Forums for Torquay, Paignton and Brixham are currently preparing Neighbourhood Plans for their areas that when adopted they will form part of the Development Plan for Torbay together with the new Local Plan. Further information on the progress of these emerging plans is available on our website at www.torbay.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning.
For more information visit http://torbay-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/newlocalplan/