Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 09 Jul 2018
INVITATION TO TENDER for Exeter's Arts & Culture Strate

Exeter Culture is entering a new and exciting phase. It has secured funding to oversee the commissioning and delivery of the first distinctive place-based Arts and Cultural Strategy for Exeter. Exeter Culture was previously called Exeter Cultural Partnership. Under its new Director, Lara Goodband, new Chair Nikki Sved and newly recruited Steering Group, its current website http://www.exeterculturalpartnership.org.uk/ is in the process of being redesigned with the new name, Exeter Culture.
Exeter Culture is dedicated to bringing together people from across a broad range of cultural activities to create the right climate in which creative energies can thrive. We believe creative activity is a form of conversation. By joining existing ideas together in new ways, we find different solutions to challenges.
Exeter Culture has high ambitions for the city. We aim to champion a breadth of cultural opportunities by celebrating the unique qualities of place and fostering opportunities for creativity.
The new Cultural Strategy will improve the resilience and develop the ambition of Exeter’s arts and cultural sector by creating new connections to other sectors and key themes that define the city’s future. For the first time, a transformational collaboration between the stakeholders University of Exeter, Exeter City Council, Business Improvement District and Exeter College supports these artistic and cultural ambitions, ensuring they are integrated within the city’s broader strategic planning (such as the 2040 Exeter Vision). Cultural advocacy will be jointly owned and shared by the sector. Key stakeholders will maximise artistic and cultural impacts whilst supporting, championing and adding benefit to Exeter’s Arts Council National Portfolio Organisations and other cultural organisations. Exeter Culture and its stakeholders are ambitious to attract and retain creative talent, leading to a rich and growing creative ecosystem that embeds arts and culture in all aspects of life and is resolutely international and diverse in outlook.
For a full brief contact
Lara Goodband, Exeter Culture Director,
Email: l.m.l.goodband@exeter.ac.uk; Telephone: 01392 724225