Creative Torbay / News / Wed 05 Mar 2014
In Pursuit of Happiness Evidencing Voluntary Sector Impact

A free one day conference to evidence the social and economic impact of voluntary sector organisations and offer practical insights on impact practice.
Time / Date: 9.30am – 4.30pm Monday 14th April 2014
Venue: @Bristol, Anchor Road, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5DB
1. Dawn Austwick, Chief Executive, Big Lottery Fund
2. Dame Suzi Leather, Chair LankellyChase Foundation and Plymouth Fairness Commission
3. Case studies from ‘Proving our Value’ - the practicalities, pitfalls and successes of impact measurement – evidence uncovered, methodological considerations, policy recommendations and insights from 4 years of voluntary sector – higher education research collaboration
4. Inspiring Impact – the latest practical support on accessing impact tools.
The inaugural South West Impact Awards sponsored by Charity Bank will be presented over a champagne tea for all delegates. ( Find out more and enter the awards at www.southwestforum.org.uk/impact-awards)
Workshops including:
1. Operationalising Social Return on Investment – Lessons from researching the impact of advice services
2. Evidencing impact for commissioning – seen through the role of social prescribing in achieving public sector outcomes
3. Can we keep it simple? Reflecting on the impact of skills and learning interventions
4. Putting a value on happiness – can you? should you? Is SROI the only game in town?
5. Understanding the impact of community projects – working with voluntary run community groups
6. In defense of voluntary sector support services – providing evidence of impact against a context of market driven service provision
7. The context for impact in Children and Young People Services – are you investment ready?
Who should attend? Anyone interested in evidence of voluntary sector impact, especially: social purpose organisations, funders and investors, commissioners from the public sector, higher education staff interested in voluntary sector partnership working and impact practitioners