Creative Torbay / News / Mon 26 Jan 2015
Government cash boost will create more shops and events 4 Torbay

WOULD-be retail entrepreneurs and new events designed to draw more tourists into Torbay have been given a cash boost by the Government.
As part of the £1.6million Coastal Communities Fund package for Torbay announced on Monday, the Government has agreed a bid for around £500,000 for a scheme to encourage fledgling retail businesses and to stage more major events in the Bay outside the peak summer weeks.
Torbay Council and Torbay Development Agency have successfully secured £1.575m of investment through the Transforming Torbay Coastal Communities Fund bid.
£1.1million will go towards building a Electronics and Photonics Innovation Centre (EPIC), a 3,134 sq metre state of the art innovation centre. This will promote growth in Torbay’s hi tech cluster and help diversify the local economy away from dependence on service sector employment. It will eventually support over 100 businesses and create around 230 jobs.
Read more: http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/Government-cash-boost-create-shops-events-Torbay/story-25923623-detail/story.html#ixzz3PvXvdXxT
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