We bring you news of three funding streams which you may wish to access......
The Wakeham Trust
Groups of individuals as well as small community and voluntary groups within the UK that want to improve their community can apply for funding.
The Trust is particularly interested in supporting neighbourhood projects, community art projects, projects involving community service by young people, or projects set up by those who are socially excluded.
The trust also supports innovative projects to promote excellence in teaching at any level (although it does not support individuals).
The Trust normally gives grants to projects when an initial £75 - £750 can make a real difference to getting the project up and running.
To be eligible, applicants need to be registered charities or have access to a registered charity that will be willing to accept funds on their behalf. Applications can be made at any time.
2. Village SOS Fund
The Big Lottery Fund has announced a new round of Village SOS funding – totalling £4m. to support rural community enterprises across the UK. Grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 will be available for projects in rural villages or small rural towns with fewer than 3,000 people.
Organisations that can apply for funding include voluntary and community groups or organisations as well as Parish, Town or Community Councils, provided local residents have clearly shaped the project.
Communities that have already received funding from the Village SOS should not apply for funding during this round.
Applications should be submitted against one of three assessment rounds with the final deadline being 2pm on 12th September 2012.
3. MacRobert Trust
Supports UK registered charities for projects that fit within the following themes : services and sea; education and training; children and youth; science; engineering and technology; agriculture and horticulture.
Maximum grant - £25,000. Minimum grant - £5,000. Larger grants, including capital grants are sometimes given,. A small grants programme awards grants of up to £5,000.
Area of benefit is the UK but preference given to Scotland. Registered Charities only.
The Trustees recognise the need to assist voluntary organisations which need funds to complement those already received from central government and local authority sources. However, this is not to say that the Trusts makes grants where statutory bodies fail to provide.
Applications are made by submitting an application by post.
Contact PA to the Administrator, The MacRobert Trust, Cromar, Tarland, Aberdeenshire, AB34 4UD.
Tel: 013398 81444
Deadlines : 31st May and 31st October each year.