Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Thu 23 Feb 2017
Flag/banner maker/ textile workshop leader, Accentuate

Accentuate History of Place and Bristol Culture are looking for a textile artist or flag/banner maker, to lead creative workshops to make a piece which will form part of an important exhibition celebrating the history of lives of Deaf and Disabled people in England.
A flag was begun by workshops participants last summer as part of this project; we have patches made from a variety of sewn and glued fabrics. We are looking for an artist who will lead sessions with a diverse group of adults and young people to contribute to this flag through additional patches or appliqué, and then take on the completion the flag/ banner to an exhibition standard.
We are looking for someone who has experience running workshops with textiles or craft making with adults and young people with additional needs. This flag is a creative interpretation of a real flag used by the group we are exploring as part of this project, The Guild of The Brave and Poor Things. How the final piece is finished open to the style and skills of the artist.
The final exhibition will open in M Shed in October.
For more information on the flag and what has already been created, please get in touch.
We are encouraging deaf and disabled artists to apply for this opportunity.
Project timeframe:
23rd Feb: deadline for application
Early March: 1 meeting/ phone call to discuss project
W/C 17THApril: 2 afternoon workshops to run for a minimum of 2 hours.
May- TBC agreed finish date for flag/banner.
These dates are flexible if you are the right person for the opportunity!
Artist fee: £300 for 2 afternoons delivering practical workshops and further commission available for the completing the final piece for the exhibition.
Materials: up to £250
To apply please send a short paragraph explaining your experience, your interest in the project and proposed ideas for creating the flag/banner.
Send this by: 23/02/2017
EMAIL: grace.swordy@accentuateuk.org
The Vassall Centre
Gill Avenue,
BS16 2QQ