Creative Torbay / News / Wed 06 Feb 2013
Exeter History Leaks - update - Land Girls sited!

MOHD - Blitz spirit
Lunchtime shoppers throughout Exeter's High Street were astonished recently to witness the apparently spontaneous apparition of three Land Army Girls at around 12.30pm on Friday. Reports first began to surface around this time of three women, dressed in a 1940s style and quoting slogans such as 'Dig for Victory' and 'Make do and Mend' to passers-by. Officers from the Ministry of Historical Defence were dispatched quickly to the scene, explaining that the occurrence was due to a minor 'history leak' in the local area - an increasingly common occurrence in recent weeks. The leaks have been deemed 'temporary' and according to Captain J. Henderson - a Senior Officer at the Ministry - "there is no cause for alarm".
Numerous sightings of the girls have subsequently been reported throughout the High Street, generally expressing wonderment at such modern features as cash machines and telephone boxes. However, video evidence is also being examined, placing them on the corner of Queen Street and High Street, apparently singing Wartime favourite "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" to the accompaniment of a local busker's didgeridoo. One onlooker has submitted detailed information to the Ministry placing them in the hosiery department of Marks & Spencer, reportedly enquiring as to the whereabouts of the "nylons". Whilst perfectly harmless and apparently even rather charming, the Ministry is keen to return the Land Army girls to their correct era as quickly as possible, and greatly encourage the public to assist them by immediately reporting any sightings of further history leaks in the local area.
Written up by student reporter Sam Beales from the Journalism Academy, Exeter College