Creative Torbay / News / Tue 01 Dec 2015
Exeter City Council’s Arts Annual Core and Project Grant Fun

Arts groups, organisations and artists in Exeter are being invited to apply for grants from the City Council.
Exeter City Council’s Arts Annual Core and Project Grant Fund for 2016/17 will be open for application from Tuesday 1 December.
The funds are available to provide annual core support or one off projects to Exeter based organisations in 2016/17 that aim to benefit residents of Exeter or improve access to the arts and increase participation in arts activity by all of Exeter’s diverse communities
Core Funding applications will only be accepted from fully constituted arts/voluntary organisations; Project Funding may, however, also be applied for by individual artists who can provide CVs and examples of their work and who are based in Exeter. All applications must have a strong arts component and must take place in the city.
Cllr Rosie Denham, Lead Councillor for Economy and Culture, said: “Both funds were very successful last year and both core and project funding was awarded to a diverse range of projects through an open and transparent application process. I am excited to see what applications will be received in 2016/17.”
Applications will be accepted by email from 1 December 2015 and the deadline is 5.30pm on Tuesday 12 January 2016.
For more information, guidelines and application forms please go to www.exeter.gov.uk/artsdevelopment
If you would like to speak to someone about your application please contact Val Wilson or Shelley Mays on 01392 265205/265200: val.wilson@exeter.gov.uk or shelley.mays@exeter.gov.uk