Creative Torbay / News / Wed 05 Oct 2016
Earth Echoes Learning Pack - online

Earth Echoes was created as the opening ceremony of the 7th International UNESCO conference on Global Geoparks. Seen by 700 delegates from 63 countries, 400 members of our community and hundreds of people online from around the globe.
What they saw was the result of many months of work and workshops, devising, making, creating, sewing, scoring and painting in rehearsals and with/in schools and colleges.
All of this process was captured and a learning pack has been produced which tracks the creative journey, shows how the elements of creation link to key stage study and offer practical ideas about how you can use the work.
Over the next few months the learning pack will be translated into many languages and shared around the world with our Geopark family.
For more information visit http://www.englishrivierageopark.org.uk/documents/EarthEchoesLearningPack_V1GB2709Opt.pdf