Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Mon 06 Mar 2017
Artist Residency Opportunity - Yeovil Country Park, Somerset Art

Artist Residency Opportunity
Water – Meadow – Wood
Somerset Art Works is delivering a three year artist residency programme at Yeovil Country Park following the themes of Water – Meadow – Wood.
This three-year project is providing greater engagement with people and new opportunities to interpret the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Yeovil Country Park.
The theme for 2017 and the final year of the project is ‘Wood’ the woodland as a place and as a habitat, providing inspiration for creative exploration.
The artist appointed will deliver 15 participatory sessions through the Year Three residency period, overall a minimum of 10 full days’ work including R&D, workshops, showcasing and evaluation. It is expected that the workshops will be 15 x half day sessions spread over a period of months rather than an intensive block of time. The majority of the sessions will take place outdoors in the Country Park and may include daytimes/ evenings/ weekends.
Project blog: WaterMeadowWood.wordpress.com
Artist fee: £2,700
Monday March 6th midday – Deadline for applications
Tuesday March 21st morning – Interviews in Yeovil