Creative Torbay / Opportunities / Thu 19 May 2016
Artist commission for Bristol-based food project

Artist commission for Bristol-based food project, Knowle West Media Centre / Productive Margins programme
Productive Margins is a five year Connected Communities research programme that brings academics and communities together to explore new ways of engaging with regulation.
Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) is collaborating with three communities in Bristol to deliver a Productive Margins project, exploring access to food and the factors that influence people's food habits.
Productive Margins is currently looking for an artist or collective to work on an arts project exploring access to food in community settings in Bristol. Applications are invited from from artists and creative practitioners from a range of disciplines including visual arts, performance, installation, and public art.
The project will run from May to July 2016 and the artist(s) will take part in a two-stage process: co-designing and co-facilitating workshops to investigate the spatial and neighbourhood regulation of access to food, then developing developing this into an artwork or series of works.
Budget: Up to £6,500 (including VAT and materials)
Deadline for applications: 10am, Tuesday 19th April 2016
You can download an information pack with more information at: http://www.productivemargins.ac.uk/productive-margins-food-working-group-artists-commission/
For more details please contact Kitty Webster at Knowle West Media Centre on 0117 903 0444.