Creative Royston / Events / Sat 20 Sep 2014
Royston's Heroes & Villians - Meridian School Performing Arts

A storytelling show aimed at first-school age children, based on the town's heroes and villains.
"Join our campfire if you dare, who knows what tales you'll hear whilst there?
Prepare to hear Royston's tales and song, of people good, and bad....and long!
Come and see a man so tall and watch a villainous robber fall,
Heroes of war and witches' fate, heartbreak and love that comes too late.
Mysteries of Royston beyond compare...join our campfire if you dare...."
Creative Royston helped pay for Meridian students to attend a workshop run by the puppeteers behind War Horse. See the results...
This is part of a day long series of events at Tannery Drift First School (most free). 11am-5pm
For more information visit http://www.roystonartsfestival.org/2014_events.html#Saturday20
Event Location
Tannery Drift First School
Tannery Drift
Telephone: 07907 880 355
Email: info@roystonartsfestival.org
Website: http://www.roystonartsfestival.org/2014_events.html#Saturday20