Royston Cave is beehive shaped and cut into the chalk that underlies the town. Much of its surface is adorned with medieval style carvings depicting saints and other religious scenes. The Cave lay concealed until 1742 when it was rediscovered by accident and since then people have been trying to solve the mystery of the Cave's origin and purpose. www.roystoncave.co.uk
When: Saturday 24 September, Sunday 25 September
Tours at 2.30pm; 3.10pm; 3.50pm and 4.30pm
Tickets £5, £4 Seniors, £1 Children 5-15 at door on day only. Under 5s free.
For more information visit https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016
Event Location
Royston Cave
Melbourn Street,
Telephone: 07907 880 355
Email: marketing@creativeroyston.org
Website: https://issuu.com/thelisting/docs/programme2016