Creative Royston / Opportunities / Thu 31 Dec 2020
Committee Members Wanted!

Creative Royston is looking for new committee members to join our volunteer-led team and help organise Royston Arts Festival in September 2021 and other arts events throughout the year.
If you are interested in the performing or creative arts, and doing something for the community, then join us! We sometimes even have fun while organising!
A spare 2 hours for a monthly meeting is all you need to meet like-minded people and contribute towards the arts scene in Royston and surrounding villages.
For an informal chat contact our Chair, Carl Filby, on 07563 366080 or email chair@creativeroyston.org. You can also read 'About Us' on our website www.creativeroyston.org.
For more information visit http://www.creativeroyston.org/
Opportunity Location
c/o Royston Town Hall
Melbourn Street
Telephone: 07563 366 080
Email: chair@creativeroyston.org
Website: http://www.creativeroyston.org/