Creative Royston / News / Thu 29 Mar 2018
Creative Royston ‘bags’ £1,000 for this year’s town festival

We are delighted to announce that Creative Royston has secured a grant of £1,000 from the Tesco Bags of Help scheme following voting which took place at local stores between January and February this year.
A huge thank you to all those who voted for our project!
The committee is currently working to finalise plans for this year’s festival which is taking place during the last full weekend in September, 28th – 30th. This year’s theme is ‘Voyages of Discovery’ and will include workshops, dancing, music, art and much more.
Kirsten Grimmer, Chairperson of Creative Royston said: “Our aim is to open up access to the arts to the local community, by offering opportunities to get creative through a series of workshops and performances. This funding will enable us to bring new and exciting events to Royston Arts Festival 2018.
Look out for updates and volunteering opportunities in the coming months!”
We are still accepting event submissions for the 2018 festival – so if your organisation wishes to host an event please let us know. Further details can be found on our website: www.creativeroyston.org
Also don’t forget our Schools Art Competition is still open for entries. We are looking for inspiring and creative images drawn by local School pupils to capture this year’s theme. One winner (at least) will be chosen from each participating School to create a unique cover image for this year’s festival with local artist By Leigh. For more details on how to enter – please visit our Facebook page.
The deadline for both of the above is Friday 27 April.
Since launching in 2015, Bags of Help has awarded more than £36 million across more than 7,900 local projects.
Customers are able to vote for local groups all year round, every time they shop and grants will be awarded monthly – meaning that thousands more projects will benefit from the scheme.
To find out more visit: www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp