Creative Minds / Opportunities / Fri 25 Jun 2021
Creative Minds is open for funding applications

We are pleased to announce that Creative Minds is NOW open for funding applications for projects. There are 2 funding Streams to apply for.
Creative Minds is an NHS charity hosted by Southwest Yorkshire NHS Partnership Foundation Trust: Home | South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Creative Minds was developed to grow the use of creative activities with a therapeutic benefit; which include the arts, leisure, recreation, physical activity and sport.
Fund 1. bids up to £3000 (maximum £1000 for constituted groups). This is our generic yearly funding stream.
Fund 2. bids up to £2200 (maximum £1000 for constituted groups). Funding for this stream was supplied by the Mental Health Sustainability Programme – Association of Mental Health Providers (amhp.org.uk) and it has more specific aims than our generic fund. Applications are open to organisations who currently work with or want to reach out to the BAME communities who live or work in the South Kirklees, Wakefield and Barnsley areas. In Barnsley we are also including other vulnerable sections of the population affected by health inequalities and who were particularly affected by the pandemic.
• Closing date: 5pm on Friday 25th June 2021
• Applicants to be informed of decisions/conditional offers by end of the 3rd week in July
• Projects projected to start: from sept 2021 onwards
Please could you get in touch if you have a project idea but are unsure about anything or if you are new to us.
for the guidance and application forms and a chat please contact Alex Feather
For more information visit https://www.southwestyorkshire.nhs.uk/creative-minds-news/open-for-project-funding-applications/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07827 232 698
Email: alex.feather1@swyt.nhs.uk
Website: https://www.southwestyorkshire.nhs.uk/creative-minds-news/open-for-project-funding-applications/