Creative Learning / Opportunities / Thu 03 Nov 2022
Macrame Christmas Crafts

Macrame Christmas Crafts - registration open! Sign up now for this popular course.
Yes, it's that time of year again when we start thinking about the festive period and buying gifts for family and friends. Why not this year, to save money, make your own gifts by joining our wonderful Macrame class?
Starting Thursday 3rd November, for 6 weeks, it is perfect timing to get those lovely creations ready for Christmas.
The cost is partly subsided by Step2Skills for Hertfordshire residents and costs only £25 which includes ALL the material, including the coloured macramé cotton.
We will deliver/post the craft pack to you before the course.
For more information please contact learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk or call 01442 253 935
You can also enrol directly by completing the online registration form: https://forms.gle/ebPSf71ZxxbXK7xf9
For more information visit http://www.creative-learning.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Online ZOOM
Telephone: 01442 253 935
Email: learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk
Website: http://www.creative-learning.org.uk/