Creative Learning / Events / Mon 05 Oct to Mon 23 Nov 2020 (2 months)
Me Time

Only 2 places left on our ME TIME course starting Monday 5th October.
If you would like to join, please contact learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk as soon as possible.
Community Action Dacorum are delighted to welcome back George Enaid for another "Me Time" course. This popular course is being offered completely FREE to Hertfordshire residents, thanks to our wonderful funders HAFLS.
Following on from the highly successful Summer Me Time and Delving Deeper courses, join George as she guides you through prioritising your wellbeing and practising self-care.
With practical tips and lifestyle changes to incorporate into your everyday life.
Starting Monday 5th October until 23rd November, from 9pm to 9:45pm.
The course will be hosted online, on a closed private Facebook group.
The course is open to anyone living in Hertfordshire.
Contact Pauline on learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk or 01442 253 935 for more details or to enrol.
For more information visit https://forms.gle/c27uawJ36Tpj7int7
Event Location
Link will be provided following enrolment.
Telephone: 01442 253 935
Email: learning@communityactiondacorum.org.uk
Website: https://forms.gle/c27uawJ36Tpj7int7