Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 25 Feb 2015
‘What is art?’ primary school competition

Artis Education is currently running a UK-wide primary school competition entitled ‘What is art?’
The competition challenges primary school children aged 4-11 years old to explore what art is, encouraging them to move beyond the idea that art is just a picture or painting on the wall. The competition aims to stretch children’s imaginations, spark discussions inside and outside the classroom, and help children grapple with what art means to them.
The competition is supported with a detailed teaching resource that uses internationally renowned artist Do Ho Suh’s sculpture, Toilet, as a stimulus. This resource includes performing arts activities (drama, dance, music) for KS1 andKS2, and is designed to support class teachers in facilitating thinking around this question. The resource also links to the core curricula of English, Maths and Science. You can download the teaching resource for free at www.artiseducation.com/whatisart
The competition is open to all primary schools and the competition entry is simply to answer the question ‘What is art?’ in 10 words, starting ‘Art is…’. Full details on how to enter can be found at www.artiseducation/whatisart
The deadline for entries is Friday 27th March 2015.
The competition will be judged by an esteemed panel from the arts and education, including Emily Pringle, Head of Learning at the Tate, artist Do Ho Suh, percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie, composer Nitin Sawhney, drama educationalist Professor Joe Winston, and mathematician Professor Marcus du Sautoy. The winning class or child will receive £1,000 to spend on the arts in their school.
For more information visit http://www.artiseducation.com/whatisart