Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 05 Dec 2016
Way Ahead – A Development Pack for Voluntary Organisations

The Voluntary Arts Way Ahead pack is designed to help you explore where you are now – and where you would like to go next. We hope you will find it straightforward, easy to use and a real help to your organisation - whatever you do! Use these simple guides to see if your organisation is operating effectively and delivering against targets. Follow easy steps to record if you do it, if you can prove it and if you can improve it.
Working through the checklists in this workbook will help you to:
• Identify ways your organisation could improve, and how to go about it
• Find ways to prove your worth to funders and other interested parties
• Understand how to map what you do with other ‘quality frameworks’, which are being increasingly used by funders and other organisations.
The pack has been revised by Sheila Fraser based on original work by Paul Dear and Roger Fox. View and download the pack here: https://www.voluntaryarts.org/way-ahead
For more information visit https://www.voluntaryarts.org/way-ahead