Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 29 Jul 2016
Visual Artist/Filmmaker, Opus Independents

Word Life has an exciting commission opportunity for a visual artist/filmmaker. See details below.
World Life are looking for an individual or group to create a short 3-4 minute film based on one of Nat Johnson's songs which will then be projected onto the frontage of Upper Chapel in Sheffield on 14th October.
Off The Shelf Festival of Words have commissioned acclaimed singer songwriter Nat Johnson to write a song about the Brontë sisters. The successful applicant will be given a recorded version of this song on 1stAugust.
We are open to all forms of filmmaking for the short film, but due to the nature of large outside projection a purely live action film is unlikely to be selected. The film should reflect both Nat Johnson's song and lyrics and use other forms of imagery and moving pictures associated with the Brontës.
There is a £700 fee available for the commissioned film.
A video of a previous projection project that was completed for last year's Off The Shelf Festival can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJz8OvBu5q8
To apply for this commission please send:
• A CV with links to examples of previous work
• A cover letter of up to one A4 page outlining why you are interested in this project and how you would approach it.
Please email joe@wordlife.co.uk with your application. Deadline for applications is 5pm on 29th July. Successful applicants will be informed by the 1st August.
The successful applicant will be expected to submit a draft version of their short film by 16th September and a final version by 7th October. The short film will then be projected onto the Upper Chapel building on the evening of 14th October.
Word Life is a literature organisation based in Sheffield that specialises in running a range of events, publications and projects designed to bring original writing to new audiences.
For more information visit http://www.wordlife.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Email: joe@wordlife.co.uk
Website: http://www.wordlife.co.uk/