Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 25 Aug 2015
Training Conference for Event Organisers

The LAEOG Annual Training Conference takes place in Bristol on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th October 2015. If you organise large events this training conference will be of interest with the wide range of topics covered and speakers from the events industry, Creative England and Bristol Council. The conference is open to both members and non-members of LAEOG (Local Authority officers or independent external event organisers).
Find out more and how to book here http://www.creativekirklees.com/creative-economy-team/laeog-annual-training-conference-bristol/?network
For more information visit http://www.creativekirklees.com/creative-economy-team/laeog-annual-training-conference-bristol/?network[0]=9&page=2&sort=date&order=asc