Creative Kirklees / Events / Wed 01 Apr to Sun 03 May 2015 (1 month)
Tour de Yorkshire

The first ever Tour de Yorkshire Festival has been launched to celebrate the county’s fantastic arts and cultural scene ahead of the inaugural international cycle race in May.
The Tour de Yorkshire Festival begins on 1 April 2015, and concludes on 3 May 2015, showcasing a month of events in the run up to race weekend.
Theatres, concert venues, festivals, galleries and museums across the county are taking the opportunity to promote their work with over 200 events expected in the programme.
On opening day pianist Jessica Wei Zhu will appear at The Venue, Leeds College of Music and on race days another festival highlight includes fun and surprises from Leeds-based musical maestros Hope & Social, who will be performing at the start and finish towns.
There will also be lots of other events happening in Kirklees during the Tour de Yorkshire; such as some of the concerts that are happening as part of the Kirklees Concert Season.
For more information visit http://www.tourdeyorkshirefestival.com/