Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 18 Feb 2015
Tour de Yorkshire Festival - 1 April - 3 May 2015

Following the hugely successful Yorkshire Grand Départ of the Tour de France in 2014 Yorkshire is to host a three day annual international cycle race to be called the ‘Tour de Yorkshire’. The first race will take place from 1-3 May 2015 and the routes of the three stages will be available from 12 noon on Wednesday 21 January at letouryorkshire.com.
If you're putting on an event during the Tour de Yorkshire weekend make sure you check out the road closures and whether they'll affect you. See the map at http://letour.yorkshire.com/tour-de-yorkshire.
Welcome to Yorkshire will harness the event to showcase Yorkshire’s fantastic arts offer. Whilst the lead in time and resources available do not allow for the event to be repeated to the same scale of the Yorkshire Festival, the ‘Tour de Yorkshire Festival’ will give substantial free publicity and marketing support to arts events through its dedicated website, through yorkshire.com and via a dedicated print, social media and press campaign.
The Tour de Yorkshire Festival will run from 1 April to 3 May. It’s free for arts events across the county to become part of the ‘Tour de Yorkshire Festival’. Simply fill in the form at http://festival.yorkshire.com/tour-de-yorkshire-festival and return by 10am on Thursday 5 February. Publicity is already underway and the website will go live on Tuesday 3 March.
For more information visit http://festival.yorkshire.com/tour-de-yorkshire-festival
News Location
Bridlington - Scarborough
Selby - York
Wakefield - Leeds (via Barnsley and Holmfirth)
Website: http://festival.yorkshire.com/tour-de-yorkshire-festival